
The Emperor, His Bride and the Dragon Robe

  作者:Lisa Sankar-Zhu

  [Tales from China’s Classic Essential Readings]
  The ancient China long ago has stressed on the child and youth education. Many primer readings spreading far and beyond came into focus, thus strengthening the cause of child upbringing and brightness. The Three Character Classic, the Hundreds Surnames, the Thousand Character Classic, and the Children’s Knowledge Treasuryare the best examples of such primer readings. Their main goal is to enable the child to learn characters and educate them about culture and morality. The readings are easy to understand, and simple to read and recite as they resemble songs. They influenced the lives of many Chinese. They learned Chinese, as well as gaining knowledge on Chinese history, geography, and society. They are well-educated on morality too. Till today, Chinese still love and stress these readings.
  The Emperor, His Bride and the Dragon Robe
  This story is about a young Chinese emperor who decides to find a beautiful lady for his bride. However, the quest for beauty is not always easy. Often it involves a struggle to find it and discern it. Thus the young emperor’s search is a difficult one, and the story almost becomes a tragedy. True beauty is reflected in kindness, innocence, compassion and humanness. Fortunately, the young emperor is wise and is able to recognize true beauty, even when it’s just a flicker. And even when true beauty is just a flicker, it leaves a deep impression on the emperor. Thus, the emperor cannot be deceived. Because of the emperor’s wisdom and power of discernment, the story that almost turns out to be a tragedy ends in happiness.


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